Business Partners

About Us

A-Stars is a full service company for the Broadcast Industry specializing in the support of the entire line of Larcan series of television products. We are staffed by the former engineers and service personnel of Larcan, most with 20 to 30 years of experience in this field, enabling us to service all broadcasting equipment brands. Since the closure of Larcan in July of 2014, A-Stars had been proactive by providing service and support to the former Larcan customer base.

We have provided onsite and in house repair services for a variety of Larcan and non-Larcan transmitter products. We have done transmitter retunings for the stations requiring to move early due to spectrum reallocations. We have sold many modulators that upgrade system performance and provide a future path for the upcoming ATSC 3.0 standard.

With the design engineering experience, we can provide upgrade paths to your existing transmitter or provide new products for your FCC repacking needs.
 William Meechem
30 years as a LARCAN
Senior Design Engineer
Mike Thiele
30 years as a Larcan RF & Passive Engineer
RF Services